This is a GREAT message that deserves widespread dissemination! I work with small business leaders and HR teams. I often find a lack of Emotional Intelligence (EQ), and in all four quadrants within both personal and social competences; this should be a part of every consultants training tools, even if it serves as an example of perception. In lock step with this very informative message, I would also recommend to all veterans to personally learn and understand the EQ paradigms, as in doing so, it will empower you in not only recognizing internal EQ, but it will create the ability to also recognize possible EQ issues in gatekeepers and HR managers, AND in real time! I also support the message therein for veterans to be their authentic selves, and without apology! Thus, if you cannot find the collaborative, forward thinking, change embracing, organizational culture you seek, it may be time to create that organizational environment in your own venture! For example, check out programs like the Veteran Entrepreneurship Program (VEP), or Entrepreneurship Boot camp for Veterans (EBV)! As veterans your wings are not suited for clipping, they are made for soaring to new heights!